Aug 30, 2023Liked by Ross Bentley

Not only can you nearly sit in an IMSA driver's car, I've let fans sit in my car at both IMSA and SRO races. Bringing them across the ropes, snapping a quick photo, and then putting them in the driver's seat for more photos has brought some of my happiest moments in my racing career. You'd think it's the podium, a great battle, or a really good interview on TV, but as we're told every race weekend, it's about the fans. Doing my part to bring joy and happiness to them is amazing.

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I’m no track driver (maybe someday!) but will second the value of fan access in several series (notably IMSA). The ability to roam the garage and watch the teams work and do grid walks offers perspective that’s hard to match in other sports. It (safely) narrows the gap between participants and the rest of us, and that’s a good thing.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Ross Bentley

We have had great success in New England Region SCCA with the CRE program. From teenage drivers to an 80yo father of the regular driver, spouses, sponsors, crew members alike, many have experienced “race driving” in a safe and controlled environment.


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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Ross Bentley

No track car at the moment, and no race car ready to play, so I use my PS4 sim each F1 weekend to see how close I can get their times. Granted my F1 game is 2017, so not enough car available to get me up front, but a newer version is on the way. Watching the in-car shots always allows me to pick up something of value which I then can try myself. Sure beats watching hockey! Oh, sorry.

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You are so right Ross! After my recent trip to the ‘Ring and Spa, I wondered what other sport allowed a mere mortal (myself) to tread on the same path as the gods of the sport. I think golf might be the only other sport.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Ross Bentley

Couldn't agree more! I just caution folks I talk to not blame me when they are, too, addicted to this amazing sport!! I do think our best option for introducing others is to do your absolute best to learn how to drive and instruct as well as you possibly can. Providing an amazing experience for our students is the most positive thing we can do to introduce, or reinforce, how amazing this sport is!

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When I arrive with my car early in the morning at Daytona, the lights are just coming on and I see, "The World Center of Speed" on the grand stands and I am in utter awe. I cannot believe I am there and in mere hours I will be hustling my own car around that same track where some of my racing heroes have won, lost, toiled and even died. How am I so lucky? Whenever possible I give rides in my 996 street car turned track only car. I invite others to see and feel what it is like. Everyone, myself included, leaves with a smile.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Ross Bentley

True, but it’s much harder and more expensive to get track time to practice driving than most other sports where you can go to the local field or court easily.

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Apr 25Liked by Ross Bentley

Could not agree more Ross! It’s been so cool talking to Paul Newman, Mario and Michael Andretti, Randy Pobst, Peter Cunningham, Michael Galatti, Ross Bentley and many other iconic racers at the track! They have been amazingly friendly. And driving the track that they drive is special! I’m now a performance driving instructor and have the opportunity to give track rides to people interested in our sport. Showing them that as long as their car is mechanically sound, they can get on track and experience the thrill of performance driving. I love the smiles I see and the excitement of a novice when you tell them “you can go faster through the next corner.” I love our sport for so many reasons!

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This, almost literally, gives me a new perspective on this wonderful sport. This is really a fantastic way of looking at our special situation. Even though I'm one of those sad people that will likely never drive on any of these tracks, at least I have the option to. Nobody's ever going to let you play at Gillette with the Patriots, or take BP with the Yankees. But, for whatever reason, we have a much more open sport; one that doesn't arbitrarily shut itself off to the public. It's fine to pay to watch the world's best do what they do best, but it's obviously far better when you can talk to that person...or even live in their shoes for a bit of time. Such an amazing, unique opportunity we all have available to us if we so choose!

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